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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:35:36 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 1:34:43 PM
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F_ <br />324 <br />Commissioner Vickers introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption as <br />,I <br />follows, to wits <br />=QLUTION <br />Resolved that the Vero Beach Press -Journal is herewith selected and designated as <br />the newspaper in which shall be published the list of lands offered for sale by the County Tax <br />Collector for non payment of Taxes on such lands and the list of delinquent intangible personal;] <br />!!property Taxpayers and the notice setting forth the names of delinquent Tangible personal pro - <br />1Q p erty Taxpayers and all other Notices, lists and publications to be published in a newspaper <br />°,designated or selected by this Board; That it is herewith found and determined by this Board <br />!'that said newspaper meets and fullfils all requirements of law iri order that such newspaper <br />izay be selected and designated as is herewith done; That it is herewith found and determined <br />1I,by this Board that said The Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper of general circulation pub- <br />lished in Indian River County, Florida and has been continuously so published for a period of <br />i <br />more than one year prior to this date. <br />r i <br />The motion for the adoption of said Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Helseth <br />I' <br />]and unanimously carried. <br />Pursuant to a petition presented to this Board January 79 19479 by Mr. and Mrs. V. L. <br />4hittier, Mr. Whittier appeared before the Board and was advised by Attorney Charles A. Mitchell' <br />that several efforts had been made to hold a meeting at which time all interested property <br />downers would attend for the purpose of trying to determine and arrive at a satisfactory con- <br />�j,culsion as to the road rights-of-way in question, but that such a meeting could not be arranged <br />�:ibecause Cdr. Fondren Mitchell made a definite statement that he would not attend such a meeting, <br />Q <br />Mand that in his opinion as Attorney for the Board that it�•was more 'or less up to Mr. Whittier <br />,;to take or bring about such occasion AS deemed advisable by him. <br />A letter was received from dr. B. H. Phillips, Secretary of the Indian River County <br />!'!Fair and Fruit Festival requesting a contribution or payment from the County Publicity and Ad- <br />Vertising Fund to assist in staging the County exhibits and paying premiums to the exhibitory. <br />Complying with the foregoing request, it was moved by Commissioner Glover seconded <br />I <br />+Iby Commissioner Vickers, and unanimously carried to pay the sum of $250.00 from the Publicity <br />I , <br />Land Advertising Fund of Indian River'County for the purposes.:heretofore stated. <br />Mr. Jesse E. Creech, State Prison Supervisor, appeared before the Board in the inter- <br />{est of a new jail or an addition to the present one which has -bee -n from time to time appeared <br />to be necessary. After considerable discussion Chairman Graves and Albert 0. Helseth together <br />with Sheriff L. B. O'Steen hs�ex-officio member of said committee to meet and confer with a <br />'committee from the City of Vero Beach together with the Chief of Police with respect toAh <br />!needed additions to the jail and from the stand -point of suggesting what the City requirements <br />Swill be in connection with the use of j othe ail for a period of approximate) <br />fa o y 10 years. ,Said <br />peeting to be held at the County jail -at 10o'clock A. M. Thursday, February 209 1947. <br />Upon motion made by Commissioner Vickers seconded by Commissioner R. W. Grdves and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the purchase and installation of lights for the County <br />�jJudgels office and the Sheriff's office ad provided in the following letter from Radinsky Elect* -,, <br />tflc S1bp. <br />RADINSKY ELECTRIC SHOP <br />1518 -19TH PLACE <br />VERO BEACH, FLORIDA <br />January 7th, 1947 <br />h'Board of County Commissioners, <br />°!Indian River County, <br />Vero Beach Florida, <br />'Dear Sirs; <br />�I We propose to furnish and instal complete with tubes two large fluorescent fixtures g <br />''and lamps in Judge Cobb office also one two light fixture in rear office of Judge Cobb, fixture. <br />i <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />
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