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1. Provide relief to Fellsmere Drainage District Lateral M dike by constructing <br />an opening from the North end of Lateral M Eastward to open marsh water; <br />2. By removing the obstructions and silt in Fellsmere Drainage District Park <br />'L'ateral canal from the City of Fellsmere North to the main canal of said District to eliminate <br />the flood condition of the City of Fellsmere; <br />3. To repair and strengthen three miles of Indian River Farms Drainage District <br />dike system extending Southward and Eastward from the Northwest corner of Section 27, <br />Township 33 South, Range 38 East, to the Southeast corner of Section 349 Township 33 South, <br />Range 38 East. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said District Engineer be furnished with two (2) <br />copies of this Resolution, together with a map of Indian River County, Florida, indicating the <br />work immediately requested. <br />Motion for the adoption was made by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously adopted. <br />R E S 0 L U T I 0 N_ <br />Commissioner Stewart introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption <br />as Follows, to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, to cooperate with the affected land holders in Indian River County, the <br />general public., the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District, the State Board of <br />Conservation of the State of Florida, division of Vater Surveys and Research, and the Corps <br />of Engineers, Department of the Army of the United States of America, in connection with the <br />Central and Southern Florida Comprehensive Plan for Flood Control and other purposes; and, <br />WHEREAS, the affected land owners have presented to the Board of County Commissioners <br />their recommended plan with respect to this project insofar as the same affects Indian River <br />County; and, <br />WHEREAS, it is the considered opinion of this Board that the recommended plan of <br />said land owners is to the -best interest of Indian River County to relieve flood conditions <br />in this County and to provide storage areas for water conservation purposes; and, <br />WHEREAS, said land owners and this Board are in accord in the fact that in the <br />development in recent years of the lands lying West of the respective drainage districts in <br />this County and extending to the divide between the Kissimmee River Water Shed and the St. <br />Johns River Basin and in the construction of numerous canals,drains, dikes and restrictions <br />in the flow of water in said St. Johns River Basin to the end that flood waters now flow off <br />said divide and into the St. Johns River Basin and against the West dikes of the respective <br />drainage districts of this County at a much more rapid rate of flow with the resultant hazard <br />to said system of dikes and with the further result in time of drought that said former <br />natural storage basin furnishing waters for irrigation purposes is seriously depleted; now, <br />therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, <br />this thi's Board does recommend to Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District, the <br />State Board.of Conservation of the State of Florida, Division of dater Surveys and Research, <br />and said Corps of Engineers, that the Comprehensive Plan for such flood control and other <br />purposes insofar as the same affects Indian River County, Florida, include the drains, dikes, <br />breakwater, outlets and other works as indicated on the attached map of Indian River County, <br />Florida, or such other or further works as a study of the problems of this bounty, as indicated <br />in this Resolution and said map, may iddicate or require to aocomplish the relief required. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy.of this Resolution be forwarded to the Honorable <br />Claude Pepper and the Honorable Spessard L. Holland, United States Senators from Florida, the <br />