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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:36:28 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 2:31:04 PM
Meeting Type
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22 <br />and Guaranty Company as surety was approved. <br />A letter was received from Joe Earman, Jr.s Distributors Gulf 011 Products9 stating <br />the Gulf Oil Company now has a bulk plant located in Indian River County and requested its <br />name added to th6 list of the different oil companies to receive a portion of the purchases <br />of petroleum products by Indian River County. Said request was granted by the Board and <br />E. E. Carters Road and Bridge Superintendent was instructed to advise Mr. Earman as to the <br />date his company would begin furnishing petroleum products to the County. <br />A letter was received from Walter S. Buckingham about a program for getting some <br />County roads.declared in the general territory between Dixie highway and the Indian River and <br />north of the Main canals and was presented to the Board. Mr. E. E. Carters Road and Bridge <br />Superintendents was authorized to proceed in getting the rights-of-way descriptions prepared <br />and transmit same to Mr. Buckingham, who agreed to lend assistance in the promotion of the <br />general programs in order that the same could be executed by the proper persons, and that <br />Bir. Buckingham be advised by the Clerk as to the Board's decision in the matter. <br />RESQUTION -GWEEN SEASON <br />Commissioner Watts introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption as <br />follows, to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, the membefs of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian.River County <br />have knowledge of the conduct of the young people of this County in this years observance of <br />the Halloween season and which knowledge has come to them through their actual observation and <br />by means of comment made to them by many citizens of the County and by visitors in the Countyl <br />ands <br />WHEREAS, this knowledge of the members of this Board causes them to realize that <br />the conduct on this occasion of the young people of this County is outstandingly favorable and <br />is an illustration of the type of yougg people resident in the County and particularly ih <br />comparison with press reports with regard to happenings elsewhere in the annual observance of <br />this holiday; and, <br />WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board that such splendid conduct results from the <br />fine type of young people resident in the County; and from the attention and consideration <br />given to our young people by the parents and by such institutions as the schools and churches <br />of the County; and various organizations in the County interested in the welfare of pur <br />i <br />you.h and, particularly, the Parent-Teacher Associations; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED, that this, the governing Board of Indian River County herewith <br />records and recites its recognition and appreciation of the yofing people of the County as <br />aforesaid and that this Board herewith commends the Parent-Teacher Associations of the <br />County; the teachers and the personnel of our schools; the churches of the County, the Youth <br />Center organizations, the various Boy and Girl Scout groups, the parents of our children and, <br />Above all, the young people of the County for their interests efforts, and cooperation which <br />have brought about this most desirable condition. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be delivered to the newspapers <br />of the County, and to Radio Station WIRA, in order that the recognition of this Board, as <br />evidenced by this Resolution, may be made known to the many individuals, organizations and <br />institutions throughout the County who are entitled to be so greatly commended for their <br />participation in the Youth program in the County. <br />Motion for the adoption of the Resolution was made by Commissioner Waddell and <br />unanimously carried. <br />----.,- <br />M. A. Boudets County Agent appeared before the Board and submitted a report of <br />
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