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WHEREAS. it is in thc public interest to sct forth. by way of agreement, each <br />cobhmresporsibUihes. <br />NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual tnns.conditions, promises. <br />covcnants, and premises hereinafterset forth and pursuant to thc statutory authority set <br />forth herein the COUNTY and the SCHOOL BOARD agree as follows: <br />a <br />It shall be the responsibility ofthe SCHOOL BOARD to: <br />| <br />Provide television videotaping equipment and trained personnel to operate the <br />equipment to accomplish in a professional manner the videotaping of County <br />Commission meetings. <br />Z <br />Maintain all necessary equipment in working condition for the term of the <br />agreement. Make reasonable provision for repair ofequipment when necessary <br />and feasible. <br />3. <br />Provide adequate transportation for the equipment and personnel needed to <br />uccomp|i,h �h� �upin�. This shall include the vehicle, maintenance of the <br />vehicle, pormal operating expense for the vehicle. and insurance for the vehicle <br />4. Provide appropriate compensation. insurance. and worker's compensation <br />coverage for students in the performance of duties specified herein which occur <br />5. Provide tinancial compensation to School District Representatives at his hourly <br />rate for duties performed while supervising students in the fulfillment of the <br />obligation ofthis agrcement during time periods not covcred by the bounds of <br />