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Transportation <br />As part of the concurrency review process, the applicant has submitted a Traffic Impact Statement <br />(TIS). The county's Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed and approved that TIS. A TIS <br />reports the number of peak hour/peak season/peak direction trips that would be generated by the <br />most intense use of the subject property under the proposed zoning district, and assigns those trips <br />to impacted roads. Impacted roads are defined in the county's LDRs as roadway segments which <br />receive five percent (5%) or more of the project traffic or fifty (50) or more project trips, whichever <br />is less. <br />According to the approved TIS, the existing level of service on impacted roads would not be <br />significantly degraded by the traffic generated by development of 12,600 Square Feet of Retail <br />Commercial use. <br />Water <br />With the proposed zoning, the most intense commercial use of the subject property will result in <br />water consumption at a rate of 3.78 Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs), or 945 gallons/ERU/day. <br />This is based upon a level of service of 250 gallons/ERU/day. Development on the subject property <br />would be served by the South County Reverse Osmosis Plant which currently has sufficient capacity <br />to accommodate the additional demand generated by the proposed rezoning. <br />Wastewater <br />Based upon the most intense use allowed under the proposed zoning, development of the property <br />will have a wastewater generation rate of approximately 3.78 Equivalent Residential Units (ERU), 945 gallons/day. This is based upon the level of service standard of 250 gallons/ERU/day. <br />County wastewater service is available to the site from the West Regional Wastewater Treatment <br />Plant, which currently has sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional wastewater generated <br />by the subject request. <br />Solid Waste <br />Solid waste service includes pick-up by private operators and disposal at the county landfill. For a <br />12,600 square foot commercial development on the subject site, solid waste generation will be <br />approximately 63 waste generation units (WGU) annually. A WGU is a Waste Generation Unit <br />measurement equivalent to one ton (2,000 pounds) of solid waste. Using the accepted conversion <br />rate of one cubic yard for every 1,200 pounds of compacted solid waste generated, the 12,600 square <br />feet of commercial development would be expected to generate 105 cubic yards of waste/year. <br />A review of the solid waste capacity for the active segment of the county landfill indicates the <br />availability of more than 800,000 cubic yards. The active segment of the landfill has a 2 year <br />capacity, and the landfill has expansion capacity beyond 2010. Based on the analysis, staff <br />determined that the county landfill can accommodate the additional solid waste generated by the site <br />under the proposed zoning district. <br />Stormwater Management <br />All developments are reviewed for compliance with county stoimwater regulations which require <br />on-site retention, preservation of floodplain storage and minimum finished floor elevations In <br />addition, development proposals must meet the discharge requirements of the county Storinwater <br />Management Ordinance. Any development on the subject property will be prohibited from <br />discharging any runoff in excess of the pre -development rate. <br />In this case, the minimum floor elevation level of service standard does not apply, since the property <br />does not lie within a floodplain. On-site retention and discharge standards, however, do apply to this <br />request. With the most intense use of this site, the maximum area of impervious surface under the <br />MARCH 12, 2002 <br />-32- <br />X71 <br />