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S. Self-service storage facility sites shall not exceed three (3) acres in gross area. <br />Note: The gross site acreage for the site is 1.39 acres. <br />6. Notwithstanding the applicable buffering requirements contained in section 911.10, a <br />type B landscape buffer with six-foot opaque feature shall be provided between all <br />structures and adjacent properties zoned16r single-family residential use. <br />Note: Single-family residential zoning exists to the west of the subject site and a 30 foot <br />wide type B landscape buffer is proposed along the west property line. The storage <br />buildings are designed so that all building entrances front the internal driveway of the <br />facility and no openings (doorways or windows) are proposed along any exterior wall <br />that faces an adjacent property. Therefore, the west wall of the storage buildings will act <br />as an opaque feature between the self-service storage use and the adjacent residential use. <br />In addition to the type B landscape buffer and the west wall of the building, the applicant <br />will install a 6 -foot high wax myrtle hedge along the west property line, which will act as <br />an opaque feature between the adjacent residential uses and the self-service storage use. <br />7. Building containing storage units shall not exceed ten thousand (10, 000) square feet in <br />floor area each and shall not exceed one hundred thousand (100, 000) square feet offloor <br />area for all buildings. <br />Note: Three self-service storage buildings are proposed for the subject site. The <br />smallest building will be 5,400 sq. ft. in size and the largest building will be 8,400 sq ft. <br />in size. Overall, 20,975 sq. ft. of self-service storage use is proposed for the subject site. <br />8. Access shall only be to arterial or collector- roadways and in no case through areas <br />zoned for residential use. <br />Note: The self-service storage use shall be accessed from 27' Avenue SW, which is a <br />collector roadway. <br />9. No utilities (other than air conditioning) may be supplied to storage units. <br />Note: It is noted on the site plan that no utilities (other than air conditioning) will be <br />supplied to the storage units. <br />10. Hours of operation shall be limited to between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Prior to the <br />issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall provide appropriate signage <br />on the site stating the hours of operation of the facility. <br />Note: It is noted on the site plan that the hours of operation for the storage facility will <br />be limited to between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. <br />11. Buildings may not exceed fifteen (I5) feet in height. <br />Note: The proposed building will be 12 feet in height. <br />MARCH 12, 2002 <br />