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time for Budget workshops in July. They knew the rules up front and it is important to <br />follow them because we have accountability to the taxpayers and these audits provide the <br />outside oversight of the financial aspects of the groups whose work and missions are <br />wonderful. She would grant this extension but the audit had better be there when they ask <br />for money in the future. <br />Commissioner Ginn wanted the deadline to be June 30th as they had requested. <br />Assistant Administrator Baird pointed out that if agencies do not have their audits in <br />within 120 days after their fiscal year ends, payments to them are suspended. He pointed out <br />that records received from the Civic League are good. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Ginn, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Macht, the Board unanimously granted an <br />extension for the audited financial report for the year ending <br />December 31, 2001, to June 30, 2002, as requested by the <br />Progressive Civic League of Gifford. <br />11.G. BEACH PRESERVATION - ARTIFICIAL REEF STUDY <br />CONTRACT WITH FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY <br />(SECOND YEAR) - FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION <br />COMMISSION GRANT (FWCC -01194) <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of May 6, 2002: <br />TO: James E. Chandler, <br />County Administrator <br />THROUGH: James W. Davis, P.E., <br />Public Works Director <br />FROM: Jonathan C. Gorham, Ph. D. ,KW <br />Coastal Resources Manager <br />DATE: May 6, 2002 <br />SUBJECT: Award of Contract - Artificial Reef Study <br />Florida Institute of Technology <br />May 14, 2002 <br />34 <br />nu <br />