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• <br />9.B.2. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS - PROCTOR BARBER <br />CONCERNING THE BEACH SAND PROJECT <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of June 3, 2002: <br />06/03/2002 16:02 <br />From: Proctor <br />1036 18th St. <br />Vero Beach <br />5617780699 <br />Barber <br />S.W. <br />Fax# 778-0899 <br />PROCTOR BARBER <br />Untitled <br />To: Jim Chandler, Indian River County <br />Fax# 978-1822 <br />I would lake to speak to the county commissioners on June llth <br />concerning the beach sand project. <br />My way has to do with aluminum groins that are relatively cheap <br />(compared to dredging) and easy to install. <br />They will last for years, accumulating material as time goes by. <br />I would appreciate your including me on the agenda for a brief time. <br />Thank You <br />".u3.____ <br />Proctor Barber, 1036 18`h Street SW, stated that he had no problem with the sand <br />replacement project but objected to the high cost. He advised the Board that there are only <br />4 companies in the United States which do this type of work and their technology is about <br />50 years old. He felt that companies from the Netherlands, Spain or other European <br />countries have much more current technology, although they are not allowed to work here <br />JUNE 11, 2002 <br />-30- <br />nir <br />EA <br />