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Chairman Macht thought it would come in as a PD <br />Vice Chairman Ginn could not support this based on LOS at 58' Avenue and SR 60. <br />She did not believe in "conditional currency" as it will impact traffic too greatly. She could <br />agree with rezoning it RS -3 but not RS -6. <br />Commissioner Neuberger thought agreement with Bent Pine satisfied the density <br />issue. The traffic intensity at 58th Avenue - SR 60 already exists and is not their fault and <br />not a reason to deny the request. If blame were to be leveled, it would be for the traffic <br />coming from south county. <br />Commissioner Lowther called the question. <br />Vice Chairman Ginn argued that we already have a deficient intersection with a LOS <br />of 7 and she could not see adding to it. Now we will have other properties saying "me, too". <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion <br />carried 3-2 (Vice Chairman Ginn & Chairman Macht opposed). <br />(Ordinance No. 2003-033 adopted amending the Zoning <br />Ordinance and the accompanying Zoning Map for <br />approximately 181.2 acres located at the southeast corner of 58' <br />Avenue and 57" Street, from A-1, Agricultural District (up to <br />1 unit/5 acres) to RS -6, Single -Family Residential District (up <br />to 6 units/acre); and providing codification, severability, and <br />effective date. <br />(CLERK'S NOTE* At this time, Chairman Macht asked Community Development Director <br />Robert Keating if the next item would take long and Director Keating replied it would not. <br />September 23, 2003 <br />28 <br />