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portions of same. She added that the pole signs are independent structures that were legally <br /> permitted. <br /> Joe Conrado and Sam Houston, operators of the two McDonalds in question, described <br /> how each store is a valuable community partner. <br /> Bob Johnson, Coral Wind Subdivision, voiced opposition to the proposed Ordinance . <br /> He felt that the standards in the existing corridor plan should be adhered to, and that the <br /> McDonalds signs should be brought into compliance. <br /> Ms. Binkley-Seyer affirmed that when a McDonalds restaurant is built or rebuilt, there <br /> will be full compliance with the Corridor Plan sign requirements . She observed that it would be <br /> a severe penalty for the Code to dictate that a minor investment by a business would trigger the <br /> loss of its sign, and McDonalds is asking not to be penalized for upgrading their facilities by <br /> being forced to replace their pole signs . Responding to questions, she provided further details on <br /> the scope of the renovations that were done at the McDonalds, affirming that the restaurants <br /> remained open during the entire process . <br /> Commissioner Solari viewed the McDonalds renovations as a reinvestment in the subject <br /> properties, and stated that the County was lucky to have people willing to reinvest in existing <br /> businesses . He inquired of Ms . Binkley- Seyer whether the proposed Ordinance is satisfactory. <br /> Ms. Binkley-Seyer responded in the affirmative, stating that decoupling the building <br /> permit from the sign permit would allow McDonalds to retain its sign and upgrade the base for <br /> improved aesthetics . She then reviewed possible options for upgrading the existing signs . <br /> Director Boling added that the improvements would be approved by staff, and they are <br /> not seen as an extension of the signs ' longevity. <br /> 143 PG 264 <br /> December 11 ; •2012 13 <br />