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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:37:55 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 4:06:06 PM
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Range 38 East; thence run Northeast along the Fleming Grant line tcs�x�l��x�xarsc�x��a���xtri:xFCi���tis�� <br />Otmauxl9ge to the East corner of Fleming Grant Section 26, thence run Northwest to the West <br />corner of Fleming Grant Section �7; thence run Northeast to the North corner of Fleming Grant <br />Section 27; thence run Northwest to the West corner of Fleming Grant Section 23; thence run <br />Northeast along the boundary line of said Fleming Grant Section.23 to the North boundary line of <br />Indian River County, Florida; thence run Easterly along the following the North boundary line <br />of Indian River County, Florida, to the Atlantic Ocean and the East boundary line of Indian <br />River County, Florida; thence run Southerly along the following the Easterly boundary line <br />of Indian River County, Florida, to the point of beginning. <br />2. Estimates having been made by the Board of Commissioners of SEBASTIAM <br />DISTRICT and a certified copy of Resolution filed with this Board as required by law and as <br />estimated by said Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate <br />of Three (3) mills upon the dollar be levied and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year <br />1953 on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being in the boundaries <br />of said Sebastian Inlet District, which said boundaries are as follows, to -wit: All that <br />part of Indian River County which comprised and made up the first Commissioner's District <br />of St. Lucie County, Florida, as located and established upon the passage of Chapter 7976, <br />Laws of Florida, Acts of 1919 as amended, which said levy shall be used as a maintenance <br />fund for the purposes authorized and prescribed in the Act creating slid District; namely, <br />Section 15, Chapter 7976, Laws of Florida, as amended by Chapter 12259 of the Laws of Florida. <br />3. Estimates having been made by the Board of Commissioners of the CENTRAL <br />D SOUTHERN FLORIDA FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the Resolution filed with <br />this Board, as required by law and as estimated by said Board of Commissioners, it is deter- <br />mined and hereby declared that a tax rate of One (1) mill on the dollar be levied and is <br />hereby fixed and imposed and assessed for the year 1953, on all of the property in the County <br />of Indian River lying and being within the boundaries of said Central and Southern Florida <br />Flood Control District, the boundaries of said District being described as including all of <br />the County of Indian River. <br />4. Estimates having been made by the BOARD OF PUBLIC ,INSTRUCTION of Indian <br />River County, Florida, and a certified copy of the Resolution filed with this Board as re- <br />quired by law and as estimated by said BOARD OFPUBLIC INSTRUCTIONO it is determined and hereby:; <br />declared that a tax rate of Six and Five -tenths (6.5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is <br />!i <br />hereby imposed upon all property in the County of Indian River to meet the current expenses, <br />incidental and necessary, for the operation of the public school of the County. <br />5. Estimates having been made by the said0� ARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION and a <br />certified copy of the Resolution filed with this Board as required by law and as estimated by <br />said Board of Public Instruction, it is determined and hereby declared that the tax rate of <br />Six and Five-tenths(6.5) mills upon the dollar is hereby levied, assessed and imposed upon <br />all homesteads to meet the interest payments- and provide a Sinking Fund for the ultimate re- <br />demption of -bonds outstanding against. said County current school fund and representing in- <br />debtedness incurred prior to the exemption of said homesteads from taxes. <br />6. Estimates having been made by the said Board of Public Instruction for <br />TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, 1 and a certified copy of said Resolution having been filed with this <br />Board as required by lav, and as estimated by said Board, being the rate of millage voted, it is <br />determined and hereby declared that tax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar be levied and <br />is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1953 on all of the property taxable for such purpose <br />11 <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />LJ <br />i <br />Lj <br />
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