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Vice Chairman Davis declared that based on science, he was opposed to the summer <br />fertilizer restriction, and that the Board appears to be moving more towards enforcement than <br />education. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and by a 3-2 <br />vote (Commissioners Solari and Davis opposed), the <br />Motion carried. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Solari, <br />SECONDED by Chairman Flescher, to add a new position <br />to the Public Works Department to address issues <br />pertaining to Chapter 315, Fertilizer and Landscape <br />Management. <br />Commissioner Zorc suggested checking with other counties to see how they are <br />monitoring the success of their fertilizer ordinances. He also wanted to incorporate any <br />applicable portions of the `Be Floridian" program to the County's educational plan. <br />MOTION WAS AMENDED by Commissioner Solari, <br />SECONDED by Chairman Flescher, to include direction <br />to the new Public Works employee to update the Board on <br />the `Be Floridian" educational program, and to explore <br />ways to monitor the impact of the ordinance on the <br />Lagoon's health. <br />Administrator Baird stated that he would begin advertising the Public Works position and <br />make the necessary budget amendments to accommodate the new position. <br />August 20, 2013 44 <br />BIC 144 PG 222 <br />