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1 f <br /> C. If there occurs an Event of Defsuft by Lessee, In addition to any other remedies available to <br /> Lessor at law or In equity, Lessor shall have the option to bm*m to this Lease and an rights of <br /> Lessee hereunder, <br /> 5. Lessor shall have the right to lemdnate this lease upon 60 days written rwtica a: <br /> A, Lessee defaults hereunder as described under Paragraph 4; <br /> B. The tower Is wholly or partially destroyed from any cause and cannot be reasonably repaired, <br /> 6, The Lessee may terminate this lease upon 60 days written notice to Lessor K any of the following <br /> occurs, <br /> A, Lessee determines, In Its sole discretion, that It will be unable to obtain an necessary <br /> Governmental Approvals for lessee's Intended use of and improvements to the Property <br /> desired by Lessee; or <br /> 8. Lessee's application for any Govemmental Approvals necessary for Lessee's use of the <br /> Property and Improwmente desired by Lessee N denled; W <br /> Q any Governmental Approvals necessary for Lessee's use of the Property and/or <br /> Improvements to the Property, whether now or hereafter desired by Lessee, are canceled, <br /> expired, lapsed or are otherwise withdrawn, terninated or denied so that Lessee, In Its <br /> reasonable judgment, determines that it will no longer be able to use the Property for Loam's <br /> Intended use; or <br /> D, the Federal Communications Commission allocates the frequencies at which Lessee may <br /> operate Its antennas and equipment and may from time to time change such frequencies, <br /> Any changes of this nature that, In Lessee's reasonable judgment. renders Its operation of a <br /> wireless communications facility at the Property obsolete; or <br /> E, If Lessee determines that the Property has become unsuitable for Lessee's operations due to <br /> changes In system or network design or In the types of equiprnent used In such operations of <br /> Losses's operations at the Property become unprotifabla <br /> F, Any termination notice rendered by Losses pursuant to this Paragraph shall cause this Lease <br /> to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set froth in such notice were the <br /> date originally set as the expiration date of this Leese and the parties shall make an <br /> appropriate adjustment, as of such termination date, with respect to payments due to the <br /> other under this Lease, <br /> 7, This lease shall be binding upon the respective parties, their assigns and successors, Except to <br /> Loom's parent company, Lesses may assign Its rights and obligation under this lase only upon prior <br /> written approval of the Lessor, and such approval shah not be unreesonably withheld, <br /> a. Leasee takes the facilities es Is and Lessor does not warrant that the facility Is suffident for the use <br /> Intended by Leases. Any modHlcations necessary to make the fadhy usable by the Losses may only be <br /> made ager approval by the lessor, such approval not to be tmnasonabt with OK end &W be made et <br /> the sole expense of the Loom <br /> ILI0. . A Loam shah pay Lessor at 1840 251" Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32980 an annual rental of <br /> Ton Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($10,800.00) payable yearly In advance and due on each anddL <br /> every <br /> ILI 1, <br /> Y9 <br /> �ndtta River County Hobart Tower - 62717 2 <br /> t .IT My Y l";IF � I�yi <br />