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Task 3 - Review Shop Drawings <br /> Review Shop Drawings and samples, the results of tests and inspections, and other data submitted by <br /> the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. <br /> Task 4 - Review Pay Requests and Schedules <br /> Review monthly pay requests and make recommendations for payment to CLIENT. Monthly pay <br /> requests will be reviewed in the field and an agreement reached between the Contractor and <br /> ARCADIS ' project representative(s), prior to formal submittal to CLIENT for payment. Review the <br /> Contractor' s preliminary and monthly progress schedules through completion . <br /> Task 5 - Perform Periodic and Milestone Inspections <br /> With regard to the vacuum pump station ; perform inspections to determine that the project has <br /> achieved Substantial Completion and readiness for Final Acceptance and that the Work has been <br /> completed in general conformance with the Contract Documents to certify completion of construction <br /> to permitting agencies and to perform startup services of the vacuum pump station . Six (6) such site <br /> visits are anticipated. CLIENT' s staff should be available for training during the startup process, as the <br /> manufacturer' s formal training program is not scheduled to be utilized at this time. <br /> Task 6 - Progress Meetings <br /> Attend nine (9) monthly construction related progress meetings. ARCADIS will preside over and <br /> generate and distribute minutes of these meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to formally <br /> coordinate the activities of the Contractor and CLIENT to resolve any conflicts and to review working <br /> procedures as required to satisfactorily complete the project. <br /> Task 7 - Contract Modifications <br /> Develop the necessary data, notes and clarification drawings required to prepare contract <br /> modifications to reflect adjustments to the construction project. Two (2) owner requested contract <br /> modifications incorporating a total of six items, is the level of effort basis for this budget item. One of <br /> the contract modifications will be the final reconciliation contract modification prepared at the end of <br /> the project to equate the final units which were estimated in the bid form to the final number of units <br /> installed. <br /> When CLIENT requests additional contract modifications, ARCADIS ' fee may be adjusted <br /> accordingly based on a mutually agreed amount. <br /> Task 8 - Project Closeout <br /> Review the Contractor' s as-built drawing information which shows the work as it was constructed. <br /> ARCADIS shall prepare record drawings based on Contractor' s field data and provide the CLIENT an <br /> electronic set of record drawings in AutoCadd and a set of prints showing those changes made during <br /> the construction process based upon information provided by the Contractor. <br /> Attend the final project reconciliation meeting with CLIENT and the Contractor. <br /> Page 4 of 17 <br />