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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:40:22 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 2:40:37 PM
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by Commissioner McCullers, and unanimously carried that the Board accept as a public park <br />j the ten (10) acres of land in Oslo Park #2, offered to the County by Jonas J. Brotman and <br />Associates and more particularly described as follows: <br />1tThat part of Oslo Park Unit #2, according to plat recorded in Plat <br />Book 4, page 13, Indian River County records, lying between Alabama <br />Avenue and Oklahoma Avenue, as shown on said plat, and bounded on the <br />North by Nebraska Street, as shown on said plat, and bounded on the <br />South by County Road, as shown on said plat." <br />At the request of Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor, it was moved by Commissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, that Mr. Fletcher be given permission <br />to purchase for the Assessor's Office 2 map cabinets at a price of $289.62, two tables at a <br />price of $105.75 and one letter filing cabinet at a price of $139.75. The Board also advised <br />Mr. Fletcher that it would be agreeable and permissible for him to purchase for the Assessor's <br />office and pay for same from his Assessor's fees the following equipment: Typewriter, Desk <br />and Remington Calculator, said equipment to cost approximately $1228.65. Mr. Fletcher advised <br />the Board that after the purchasing of this equipment that he would have approximately <br />$4,000.00 in excess fees which would be paid to the County. The Board also agreed to purchase <br />a two ton air -conditioner for the Assessor's office to cost approximately $400.00. <br />The Board authorized the Tax Assessor to adjust the valuation and/or assessment <br />on the 1956 Real Estate Roll as to Lots 28 and 29, Block 16, Vero Beach Estates owned by <br />Mildred C. Kauffmann. <br />Amelia Johnson made application for a license to engage in the occupation as <br />a fortune teller to the Board of County Commissioners, and the Board of County Commissioners <br />of Indian River County, Florida. After considerable discussion in the matter, said application' <br />was referred to the Board's Legal Department, namely, Sherman N. Smith, Jr. This action was <br />taken upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and unanimously <br />carried. <br />At the request of Rivers Anderson and Richard McComber, publicity agents for <br />the Fishing Tournament, upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Co isslcgner McCullers <br />and carried, the Board agreed to contribute to said tournament for publicity urp s s an <br />amount equal to that which the City of Vero Beach would contribute, not to exce d $500.00. <br />Robert W. Graves, Chairman of the Zoning Commission of Indian River -ounty <br />appeared before the Board and stated the Zoning Commission has made its final report to the <br />County Commissioners recommending the boundaries of and the number, kind and description of <br />original districts and appropriate regulations to put into full force and effect within the <br />territory of said county, not included in any municipality, regulations and restrictions <br />concerning the use of said lands and the zoning of the same all in accordance with Chapter <br />21310, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941. The said final report is now on file in the office of <br />the said County Commissioners. <br />Thereupon, the Board instructed its attorney, Sherman N. Smith, Jr. to prepare <br />and publish notice of public hearing relating thereto, to be held in the County Commissioners <br />Room of the Indian River County Courthouse beginning at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on the 15th day <br />of January, 1957, after which said commission will act thereon. <br />V{ <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />• <br />
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