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Task 1 . 3 .3 Pre-Bid Conference <br /> ATM shall coordinate the bid advertisement with County to determine an appropriate <br /> date for a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference . ATM shall prepare for and have one Senior <br /> Coastal Engineer attend the Conference . The ATM representative shall answer <br /> prospective Contractor inquiries at the Conference , or transcribe Contractor inquiries for <br /> subsequent research and response to all Conference attendees as appropriate . <br /> Task 1 .3 .4 Bid Addenda <br /> Indian River County staff shall assume the lead in the processing of inquiries from <br /> prospective Bidders . ATM shall only provide oversight/concurrence on bid addenda , in <br /> an effort to minimize expenses associated with possible addenda. ATM will dedicate up <br /> to eight labor hours for an AutoCAD Technician to render changes to the drawings that <br /> might be predicated by an addendum . The structuring of this contract item assumes no <br /> substantive changes to the Technical Specifications will be necessary . <br /> Task 1 . 3 .5 Review of Submitted Bids <br /> ATM shall obtain copies of sealed bids from County and shall review them for accuracy, <br /> completeness and Contractor qualifications . ATM shall evaluate and provide a written <br /> recommendation for award to the lowest responsive/responsible Bidder by County , with <br /> such recommendation based on ATM review of the submitted bids . <br /> TASK 1 .4: PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL MITIGATIVE REEF MONITORING (TO <br /> BE CONDUCTED BY INDIAN RIVER COUNTYi <br /> The physical monitoring of the mitigation reef will be conducted in accordance with the <br /> October 2002 Indian River County Sectors 1 &2 Beach Restoration Project Mitigation <br /> Plan . It is anticipated that Indian River County will be responsible for the physical and <br /> biological monitoring and for the submission of all necessary reports and documentation <br /> to DEP and USACE . <br /> Task 2 - Monitoring Plan for Potential Erosion Downdrift of the <br /> Mitigation Area <br /> In accordance with Federal Permit 200001872 (IP-IS) Special Condition Number 15 , a <br /> monitoring plan for potential downdrift erosion along the shoreline within the mitigation <br /> area must be submitted to the USACE by April 30 , 2003 . <br /> This scope includes the development of the initial monitoring plan and the establishment <br /> of the initial baseline conditions as required by the USACE . It is anticipated that the <br /> County will undertake the analysis and reporting for the three (3) annual monitoring <br /> reports required by the USACE . <br /> CAWINDOWSWEMMAmbersand Post-Constniction Services Contract Amendment #6 - Reduced Scope 03-12-03.doc 6 <br />