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Task 9.4— Beach Profile Modified Construction Template and Progress Surveys <br /> Upon adequate advance written notification by the Contractor that dredging is to <br /> commence, ATM shall review Contractor-conducted pre-construction surveys of the <br /> beach to serve as the basis for computation of payment by comparison of the quantity of <br /> beachfill contained within an approved template between the pre-construction and <br /> acceptance profiles. ATM shall modify the contract drawings as appropriate to reflect <br /> template overlays of the 'true' pre-construction beach profiles as acquired by the <br /> contractor. Quality control checks may be required and an independent survey <br /> conducted (at additional expense to COUNTY) if ATM determines that the <br /> CONTRACTOR survey data accuracy is suspect. <br /> The average end-area method will be used by ATM to compute beachfill quantities <br /> placed by the contractor and shall be the basis for payment at the contractual unit prices. <br /> Survey data reduction will be accomplished by ATM by acquiring data from the <br /> CONTRACTOR's licensed surveyor, performing quality control checks on the data, and <br /> preparing the data files for payment sections. The cost of services rendered by ATM for <br /> this task are based on the pre-construction survey data acquisition and processing <br /> necessary to produce the construction contract document modifications, and the data <br /> entry and computational aspects associated with the acceptance sections which will be <br /> evaluated by ATM, and which shall serve as the basis for CONTRACTOR payment. It is <br /> further assumed (for the purposes of labor hour reduction at the request of the Public <br /> Works Director)that the survey data received from the CONTRACTOR's surveyor will be <br /> reasonably seamless for integration into ATM computational software and graphics <br /> plotting programs. <br /> ATM will review for accuracy of computation and completeness CONTRACTOR's <br /> periodic payment requests and recommend payment to the COUNTY upon satisfactory <br /> completion of work of acceptance segments. <br /> Task 9.5—Substantial Completion <br /> Following notification by the CONTRACTOR that construction activities are complete, <br /> ATM will notify the COUNTY and conduct a final inspection of the work to determine <br /> equipment remaining, work items requiring completion, and all materials for clean-up. A <br /> punch-list shall be developed and coordinated with the COUNTY's Coastal Resource <br /> Manager, Coastal Engineer and/or other Public Works representative as designated by <br /> the COUNTY. Prior to approval of final payment to the CONTRACTOR a final inspection <br /> of the restored beach and dune areas will be conducted to determine if all work is <br /> complete and, upon determination of satisfactory completion, recommend final payment <br /> to the COUNTY and prepare a certificate of substantial completion. <br /> CAWINDOWS\TEMPIATM IRC Constnrchon Phase Services-Ambersand Project Jan 14 2003 rev 11403 545pm.doc <br />