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3/11/2016 10:45:17 AM
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10/1/2015 3:45:11 AM
Official Documents
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Work Order
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Camp Dresser & McKee
Work Order No.13 Well No.7
South County Reverse Osmosis Facility
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Compact Disc (CD) to SJRWMD along with the application for permit modification. The County <br /> will receive two copies of the final TM along with the model files on CD. <br /> Subtask 6 . 3 Application for CUP Modification <br /> It is the County' s intention to modify the County' s pending CUP to permit and construct the <br /> proposed Well No . 7 at the South County WTP, which is already included in the County' s CUP <br /> (no additional allocation associated with the proposed well) . Based on conversations with Ms . <br /> Leslie Church, with SJRWMD CUP Regulation in Palm Bay, the addition of the new well is a <br /> major modification of the County' s CUP even though no additional allocation will be requested . <br /> The impact evaluation must be redone to demonstrate that there will be no impacts to the <br /> existing legal users or the water resources in present conditions. In addition, a complete permit <br /> application will need to be resubmitted to SJRWMD . Given the recent application for <br /> modification and subsequent issuance of numerous Temporary CUP' s by SJRWMD, much of <br /> the information from that application can be reused for this permit modification. The estimated <br /> budget includes 2 responses to Requests for Additional Information from SJRWMD, but does <br /> not include any modifications to the modeling for such efforts . <br /> TASK 7. 0 PREPARATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS <br /> This task provides for the preparation of drawings and specifications, conducting formal <br /> reviews of the contract documents at specified completion levels, and developing an opinion of <br /> probable construction cost. <br /> Subtask 7. 1 Preparation of Contract Documents <br /> CDM will prepare final construction drawings and specifications suitable for inviting <br /> competitive construction bids for this project. The technical specifications will utilize CSI' s <br /> sixteen division, three-part format. The design shall be complete (as applicable to the Project) <br /> including site improvements, appurtenances, process and ancillary equipment, accessories, <br /> wiring, piping, foundations, substructures, electrical controls, detailed drawings, technical <br /> specifications, tables, charts, schedules, and other documentation as may be necessary for the <br /> Project. The County will provide the front end documents to be included in the bid package . <br /> Subtask 7. 2 Technical Review Committees <br /> CDM will assemble a group of technical experts to participate in a technical review committee <br /> (TRC) and conduct a technical review of the contract documents at specified completion levels <br /> throughout the Project. Specific work products will include draft contract documents for review <br /> and comment by the County at the 50 and 90 percent design levels. CDM will submit five sets of <br /> review documents to the County at each level. County staff will be encouraged to participate in <br /> the TRC meetings to be scheduled after review of the draft documents by the County . CDM will <br /> address and incorporate all appropriate review comments received from the County . <br /> Subtask 7. 3 Final Contract Document Submittal <br /> CDM will submit five sets of final contract documents to County staff prior to bidding <br /> advertisement for the Project. CDM will also provide digital files of plans and technical <br /> specifications to the County . The County will advertise for bids; CDM will provide the <br /> documents to prospective bidders on behalf of the County with the cost of production to be <br /> paid by the contractor upon receipt of the packages. <br /> Subtask 7. 4 Preparation of Probable Construction Cost <br /> CDM will prepare an opinion of the probable construction cost at the 90 percent completion <br /> A=4 112355-doc <br />
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