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9/30/2015 7:34:18 PM
Official Documents
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Work Order
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Carter Associates
Work Order No.5
Final design services Stormwater Pollution Control System
Main Relief, South Relief, and North Relief Canal
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Provide a secondary bar screen in an open area (animal removal <br /> chamber) before the main vortex feed channel to prevent animals such as <br /> alligators and turtles from entering the vortex units . Design this animal <br /> recovery system so that it is possible to remove captured animals without <br /> harming the animal or the rescuer. <br /> Design the vortex system to remove one hundred percent of particles <br /> 2 , 400 microns and larger. It shall also be capable of removing particles <br /> down to 500 microns in size . Design the facility at the Main Canal to <br /> minimize attraction of birds . Measures to minimize the bird attraction may <br /> include pavilion-type or prefabricated buildings or the ability to easily <br /> construct an appropriate structure in the future . <br /> Additionally, the pollution control systems shall include all pertinent <br /> features and facilities normally found at similar municipal installations (e . g . <br /> wastewater treatment plant headworks ) . Such features include , but are not <br /> limited to , high- pressure washdown systems using non -potable water (canal <br /> water) , potable water supply, prefabricated concrete operations/equipment <br /> building at the North Relief Canal and at the South Relief Canal , etc . <br /> The influent flow rate shall be measured (totalized and instantaneous <br /> flow measurements ) and recorded . Similarly, the flows into each vortex unit <br /> shall be measured (totalized and instantaneous flow measurements ) and <br /> recorded . Systems shall be designed for automatic and manual operation . <br /> Design a solids removal system that automatically and continuously <br /> removes the debris captured by the climber screens and one that also <br /> removes and dewaters the settled , suspended , and floating material <br /> captured by the vortex units . The treatment system shall include equipment <br /> to weigh the material collected at each pollution control facility. <br /> At the Main Relief Canal , an architect shall design and permit an <br /> Operations Building that shall contain three offices , secretarial space , one or <br /> more bathrooms as required by code , and equipment storage and laboratory <br /> / work area space . The COUNTY will provide the architect with a draft floor <br /> plan of the building . <br /> 2 . Construction Drawings - (See "Attachment 2" for Construction Drawing <br /> requirements . ) <br /> 3 . Review Technical Specifications prepared by the COUNTY — The <br /> COUNTY will prepare the technical specifications listed in Attachment 3 . <br /> Review these technical specifications with respect to this Work Order and <br /> provide written comments . <br /> 4 . Other Required Technical Specifications — Prepare all other Technical <br /> Specifications necessary for the Contractor to properly bid and construct the <br /> project . In general , the Technical Specifications shall include pertinent <br /> F:\Public Works\KeithM\Stormwater Projects\East IRC\Contracts\Consultant Contract with Carter & Associates\Work Order No. 5 - Final Design <br /> of Vortex System\Work Order #5 - Rev. May 3, 2004.doc <br /> 6 <br />
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