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Indian River County Emergency Operations Center <br /> Interior Punch List - Tuesday - 06/12/07 <br /> June 22, 2007 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Corridor 006 <br /> 1 . Drywall to the left of Door 007 above the vinyl base, holes in the drywall need to be sanded and repainted . <br /> Pencil marks on the walls need to be cleaned and repainted . Fingerprints above Door 007, needs to be <br /> repainted . <br /> 2. Bottom right and left of the hollow metal door frames 007 needs to be repainted. <br /> 3 . Door 007, scratch mark on the door around the lockset, needs to be patched and repaired and glued to the left <br /> and on the frame of the view lights. <br /> 4. Drywall to the right of Door 007 at the outside corner, fingerprints on the drywall need to be cleaned and <br /> repainted and also outside comer edge needs to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 5 . Inside corner to the left of Door 008, drywall is irregular in numerous locations needs to be sanded and <br /> repainted. <br /> 6. Electrical outlet to the left of Door 010, drywall opening cut too large, drywall is irregular needs to be sanded <br /> and repainted. <br /> 7. Drywall, bottom right of Door 010, needs to be repainted and vinyl base on either side of hollow metal door <br /> frame 010 needs to be cut tight to the frame. <br /> ESF-18 - Room 007 <br /> 1 . This room is currently full of data cabling through-out the room. <br /> 2. Inside corner to the right of Door 007, at the bottom needs to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 3 . West wall, drywall below to the bottom right of the wall stop and above the electrical outlet a chip in the <br /> drywall, needs to be repainted. Also, along the electrical outlet cover drywall needs to be sanded and <br /> repainted and above the vinyl base in general area on this wall. <br /> 4. North wall, drywall around Data TV outlet 15 needs to be patched and repaired and also electrical outlet cover <br /> needs to set flush to the drywall to the right of the TV outlet 15. <br /> 5 . Scuff marks, fingerprints on the wall need to be repainted. <br /> 6. East wall, around electrical outlet needs to be sanded and repainted. Drywall is irregular. <br /> 7. Southeast angled portion of the wall left inside corner needs to be repainted where it has patched and repaired. <br /> Also to the right of this area fingerprints on the drywall . <br /> 8. Electrical outlet to the left of Door 007 drywall is irregular around to the top right of electrical outlet, this <br /> needs to be patched and repaired. <br /> 9. Three ceiling tiles are missing in this room at this time. <br /> 10. Carpet is full of dirt, debris, ceiling tile, pieces of ceiling tile, drywall mud, etc. This area needs to be cleaned <br /> and re-inspected once all the cabling material is removed. <br /> ESF-17 - Room 008 <br /> 1 . Hollow metal door frame 008 bottom right on the outside face, dent in the hollow metal frame needs to be <br /> patched and repaired and scratch on the head needs to be patched and repaired. <br /> 2. Hollow metal door frame bottom left at the carpet needs to be repainted. <br /> 3. Drywall above Door frame 008, mark on the drywall needs to be cleaned and repainted. <br /> 4. Bottom left drywall of Door 008 drywall is irregular needs to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 5 . Electrical outlet cover to the right of TV outlet 16 needs to be cleaned of paint, caulking, etc . <br /> 6. Drywall around Data Outlet 19/20C and electrical outlet on the east wall needs to be repainted where it has <br /> been patched and repaired around these two items. <br /> 7. Electrical outlet to the right of Door 008 drywall needs to be sanded and repainted, irregular. <br /> 8 . Vinyl base needs to be cleaned of scuff marks, dirt and debris and drywall mud, etc. <br /> 9. Six ceiling tiles have not been set in place at this time. <br /> D O N A D I O <br /> & Associates, Architects, P.A. <br />