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10/1/2015 12:41:34 AM
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Boyle Engineering Corp.
College Lane Water Main Privity Agreement
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and shall in no wa lieve the contractor from their compl , responsibility of the <br /> means , methods , sequence of construction and construction site safety . <br /> 4 . Weekly Construction Meetings : The Engineer shall attend weekly construction _ <br /> meetings with the contractor and owner to discuss weekly progression of the <br /> construction and schedules . <br /> This estimate assumes that the Engineer shall provide limited project representation by <br /> being present at the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction . For <br /> this estimate , it is assumed that the site work will be conducted during a nine - month ( 36 - <br /> week ) construction period for site work, and that regular site inspections will occur three <br /> (3 ) times a week and lasting three (3 ) hours each — for a total of 324 hours of field time . <br /> The Engineer shall notify the College of observed permanent work which does not appear <br /> to substantially conform to the contract documents , prepare a written report describing <br /> any apparent non -conforming permanent work and make recommendations to the College <br /> for its correction . Should limited construction observation be required beyond the nine <br /> (9) month duration , these services will be considered Additional Services and <br /> compensated as such . <br /> The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of all tests and installations which would require <br /> the presence of the Engineer for engineering certifications as required by the various <br /> agencies with jurisdiction over the project . <br /> The Engineer shall review up to nine (9) pay requests as submitted by the contractor as <br /> they relate to improvements designed by Consultant . Consultant shall verify quantities as <br /> represented on the pay requests and make a recommendation to the Owner to proceed <br /> with the payment as requested, or as modified based on Consultant' s review . <br /> The Engineer shall perform a construction observation visit to determine if the project is <br /> substantially complete , and a final construction observation visit to determine if the <br /> project has been completed in accordance with the approved Plans and Specifications and <br /> in a manner satisfactory to provide the necessary certifications. If repetition of these <br /> visits is required, the additional visits shall be considered Additional Services and will be <br /> invoiced on a Time & Expense basis in accordance with the Unit Rates presented in <br /> Exhibit B <br /> The Engineer will prepare certifications based upon as-built survey and record drawing <br /> information , provided by and signed and sealed by the contractor' s Professional Surveyor <br /> and Mapper, identifying any changes made during the construction process and indicating <br /> all record information required by the regulatory agencies having jurisdiction . These <br /> drawings will be submitted to the applicable regulatory agencies as a part of the final <br /> certification process . The contractor shall provide the Engineer with an electronic copy <br /> of the as-built information (AutoCAD 2000 ) . The Engineer shall provide the College and <br /> 1RCC-Assignment Authorization, March 2006 05-0351 <br /> Mueller Campus College Lane Roadway Extension & Bridge Construction 9 of 15 <br />
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