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Indian River County Page 2 <br /> Improvements to 53"rSireet cK Old Dixie Higlrivay Project No, .PSL- 08-2558 (BG 11.4) <br /> The following items will also be incorporated into the design of the roadway improvements : <br /> + One wet pond is planned between Old Dixie Highway and U .S . Highway 1 at the <br /> southern end of the Old Dixie improvements , <br /> • Two dry retention areas are planned at the eastern end of the 53 `d Street improvements . <br /> • Mast arms will be installed for signalization at the intersections of 53rd Street with Old <br /> Dixie Highway, U. S . Highway 1 ,, the Pc blix access Road, and Indian River Boulevard. <br /> SCOPE OF STUDY <br /> Our geotechnical study will be conducted to characterize the subsoil and groundwater conditions <br /> along the roadway alignment, and at the stormwater treatment .and mast aim locations. Our <br /> geotechnical work for this project will consist of the following components : <br /> Document Review <br /> 1 . Review of S . C.S. maps . for native shallow soils types within the project alignment, <br /> 2. Review of historical aerial photographs to look .far features and/or tonal reflections <br /> that may be indicative of pits, ponds, sloughs and other such areas considered to be <br /> geotechnical concerns. The review will .also attempt to identify the sequencing of the <br /> ununproved roadway and lake formation . <br /> Field Exploration <br /> Roadwgy Soil Survey <br /> 1 . Exploration of the shallow subsurface conditions along the roadway alignment with <br /> soil borings using a truck-mounted drilling rig or hand-turned augeiing equipment . <br /> We will perform 6 foot deep auger borings at about 200400t centers along the <br /> roadway following an alternating roadside pattern. <br /> 2. In the stretch of unimproved roadway between the two :lakes, the auger borings will <br /> be substituted with 204bot deep Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings drilled at <br /> approximately 1.00400t centers. The SPT borings provide more detailed data on soil <br /> composition and, density, mid also allow for-assessment of voids through drilling fluid <br /> return. <br /> 3 . Ground Penetrating Radar (CrPR)' survey of the unimproved roadway between the <br /> I akes may be utilized to fiirther assess the existing embankment fill, depending on the <br /> SPT boring findings. <br /> 4. Excavation of test pits into the existing embankment fill may be utilized to further <br /> assess the existing embankment fill, depending on the finding of the SPT borings: <br /> Dunkelberger <br />