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Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 59-226, the Tax Assessor <br />filed with the Board a list of lands zoned as agricultural lands for <br />tax purposes in accordance with this law. <br />The Board did then proceed to examine said list and classification <br />of such lands submitted by the Tax Assessor and did make such reclassification <br />as appeared appropriate or justified and, thereupon, upon Motion made by <br />Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously <br />carried, all of said lands as set forth and contained therein are said <br />rezoned for tax purposes only, as agricultural. <br />Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor appeared before the Board and requested <br />permission to adjust the valuation and extended tax on the following <br />described property on the 1960 Tax Roll: <br />City of Vero Beach Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 40 - Building <br />was condemned and demolished; No improvements located thereon on <br />January 1, 1960. <br />Lot 4, Block D, Parent and Sons S/D - House located on this lot was <br />constructed after January 1, 1960. No improvements located thereon <br />at that date. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hamilton and unanimously carried, permission was granted to adjust the <br />valuation on the above property. <br />A letter was read from J. W. Boring, Chairman of the Indian River <br />County Bar Association referring to the shape the old records are in that <br />are in the basement and requesting the Board do something to correct the <br />situation. The Acting Attorney advised the Board that the letter should <br />be referred to the Tax Collector for his information and ask that he report <br />his conclusions at the next regular meeting of the Board, because they <br />are the Tax Collector's records. <br />The followigg:Deputy Sheriff's appointments were approved upon Motion <br />made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and <br />carried: <br />1 <br />