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Himanshu Mehta, P . E . Geosptec <br /> 7 May 2008 consultants <br /> Page 2 <br /> report for the 8 , 000-gallon AST located at the landfill , (vii) preparation of a Phase I ESA for the <br /> parcel located west of the Gifford Convenience Center, and (viii) completion of a NEPA <br /> Categorical Exclusion Package in accordance with 23 CFR Part 771 . 117 . <br /> Please be advised that since the 8 ,000-gallon AST along Gifford Road is double-walled, pursuant <br /> to Rule 62 - 761 . 800(4)(b) , Florida Administrative Code (F .A . C . ) , a formal closure assessment <br /> will not be required for this location ; however, IRC has requested limited soil and groundwater <br /> sampling to document that the AST located on the parcel has not negatively impacted site soil <br /> and/or groundwater. <br /> We have developed a task-based approach to accomplish this work in an organized and cost- <br /> effective manner. Additionally, Geosyntec met with petroleum subcontractors, PR&D , HCC , <br /> and FECC to obtain cost estimates for the work to be performed by a licensed pollutant storage <br /> tank contractor. HCC provided the lowest total bid at $ 57 ,295 (with an estimated additional <br /> $ 1 , 500 for bollards) , PR&D total bid was $ 100, 703 , and FECC did not submit an estimate for the <br /> work . HCC was selected to provide subcontractor services on the referenced project . The <br /> remainder of this letter provides a description of the proposed scope of work . A budget estimate <br /> to accomplish the work described herein is provided in Exhibit 2 . <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Task 1 — Landfill AST Fueling Area Design <br /> Task 1 includes costs associated with the preparation of a set of design drawings for the proposed <br /> fueling area at the IRC landfill . It is anticipated that three drawing sheets will be prepared, <br /> including a plan drawing which shows the proposed grading and dimensions of a concrete pad <br /> with turn around area, ramp , callouts for curb details (if warranted) , cross- sections location, <br /> control points, etc . and two sheets with cross- sections, coordinate table for control points, and <br /> details such as curb , area inlets, best management practices, etc . Geosyntec will provide draft <br /> copies of the drawing set for IRC SWDD review prior to finalizing the drawings and initiating <br /> any construction activities . <br /> Task 2 — Gifford Road Soil and Groundwater Sampling, AST Removal and Relocation <br /> Task 2 includes costs associated with the relocation of the approximately 12 , 000- gallon double- <br /> walled AST to the IRC landfill . Prior to AST closure, Geosyntec personnel will mobilize to the <br /> site and perform four soil borings around the AST . Continuous soil samples will be collected <br /> from land surface to the water table and screening with a flame ionization detector (FID) . Based <br /> XR08051 R/CCR08045 R. DOC <br /> engineers I scientists I innovators <br />