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b. Depth of Cover and Pipe Elevation: Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or <br /> otherwise authorized by the Engineer, all pipe shall have a minimum cover of 36 <br /> r inches. Contractor shall determine top of pipe elevation and top of ground elevation <br /> for every two (2) joints of pipe installed using a level . Pipe must have the minimum <br /> cover described above and must be within ±0.2 feet of the top of pipe elevation <br /> indicated on the drawings. Installed pipe which does not meet these requirements <br /> r shall be reinstalled until it does meet these requirements. Contractor shall record top <br /> of pipe and top of ground elevations and the locations of where these elevations were <br /> determined and submit this information to Engineer or his representative . Engineer <br /> r reserves the right to have Contractor excavate and check top of pipe and top of <br /> ground elevations to see if they conform to the aforementioned requirements, at no <br /> cost to Owner. <br /> r <br /> G . Testing And Inspection Of Water Mains, Pressure And Leakage Tests Of Underground <br /> Pressure Piping <br /> r <br /> 1 . Hydrostatic pressure and leakage tests shall conform with Section 4 of the latest edition . <br /> of AWWA C-600 Specifications , with the exception that the Contractor shall furnish all <br /> gauges, meters, pressure pumps, and other equipment needed to test the line . <br /> Engineer or designated representative shall be present during all testing, televising , and <br /> final inspections. <br /> r 2. The pressure required for the field hydrostatic pressure test shall be 1 . 5 times the <br /> normal working pressure at the point of testing, and not less than 1 .25 times the <br /> working pressure at the highest point along the test section , but not less than 150 psi <br /> r (100 psi for force main). The Contractor shall provide temporary plugs and blocking <br /> necessary to maintain the required test pressure. Corporation stops at least 1 ' in <br /> diameter, pipe riser, and angle globe valves shall be provided at each pipe dead-end in <br /> +�+ order to bleed air from the line. Duration of pressure test shall be at least two (2) hours . <br /> The cost of these items shall be included as part of testing. <br /> 3. The leakage test shall be conducted concurrently with the hydrostatic pressure test and <br /> shall be of not less than two (2) hour duration. All leaks evident at the surface shall be <br /> repaired and leakage eliminated regardless of total leakage shown by test. Lines that <br /> r fail to meet tests shall be repaired and re tested as necessary until test requirements <br /> are met. Defective materials, pipes, valves, and accessories shall be removed and <br /> replaced. The pipelines shall be tested in such sections as may be directed by the <br /> r Engineer by shutting valves or installing temporary plugs as required. The line shall be <br /> filled with water and all air removed , and the test pressure shall be maintained in the <br /> pipe for the entire test period by means of a force pump to be furnished by the <br /> Contractor. Accurate means shall be provided for measuring the water required to <br /> maintain this pressure. The amount of water required is a measure of the leakage. <br /> r <br /> r <br /> r <br /> r <br />