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G . It is the intent of the Specifications to place the responsibility on the <br /> CONTRACTOR to restore to their original condition all items disturbed , <br /> destroyed , or damaged during construction . Particular attention will be <br /> placed on restoration of canals to equal or better condition than prior to <br /> construction . <br /> H . When finished surfaces require cleaning with cleaning materials , use only <br /> those cleaning materials which will not create hazards to health or <br /> property and which will not damage the surfaces . Use cleaning materials <br /> only on those surfaces recommended by the manufacturer. Follow the <br /> manufacturer's directions and recommendations at all times . <br /> I . Keep the amount of dust produced during construction activities to a <br /> minimum . At CONTRACTOR' s expense , spray water or other dust control <br /> agents over the areas , which are producing the dust . Schedule <br /> construction operations so that dust and other contaminants will not fall on <br /> wet or newly coated surfaces . <br /> 1 . 3 SITE CLEANUP AND RESTORATION <br /> Prior to final completion , the OWNER , ENGINEER , INDIAN RIVER FARMS <br /> WATER CONTROL DISTRICT , and CONTRACTOR shall review the site with <br /> regards to site cleanup and restoration . Clean and/or restore all items <br /> determined to be unsatisfactory by the OWNER or ENGINEER , at no additional <br /> expense . <br /> + + END OF SECTION + + <br /> 01710 Site Cleanup <br /> 01710-2 <br /> FAEngineering\Capital Projects\0217-Powerline Road\Bid Documents\01710 - Site Cleanup.doc <br />