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7 . Q . Could you please clarify the RO membrane replacements? <br /> A . The membranes in the pressure vessels that are to replaced are to be <br /> carefully removed, properly stored and reinstalled in the new <br /> pressure vessels. The existing membranes are not being replaced. <br /> 8 . Q . The specifications call for GRC conduit. The existing conduit is <br /> aluminum. Please advise . <br /> A. The specifications will be amended to require aluminum. <br /> 9 . Q . Drawings E-8 calls for 400 amp disconnect to be NEMA 12 . The <br /> specifications call for NEMA 4X . Please advise. <br /> A. Specification section 16950 requires NEMA 4X disconnect switches, <br /> except as shown on the drawings. The note on sheet E-8 is correct. <br /> 10 . Q . Who is the manufacturer of the existing Main Switchgear and what is <br /> the Model number? <br /> A . General Electric—Power Break Model . <br /> 11 . Q . Who is the manufacturer of the existing Post Treatment MCC and what <br /> is the Model number? <br /> A . Eaton/ Cutler-Hammer-2100 Model. <br /> 12 . Q . Where is the South Repump Station located? <br /> A . It is approximately 1000 feet to the south of the RO Process building. <br /> ADDITIONAL CHANGES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS <br /> SECTION 00020—ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS <br /> Amend Section 00020, Paragraph 1, second to last sentence as follows: <br /> Deadline for receipt of bids has been set for 2 : 00 PM on July 23, 2008. <br /> SECTION 16110—RACEWAYS <br /> Replace Section 16110, Paragraph 2. 01 (A) with the following: <br /> A. Aluminum conduit shall be as manufactured by Allied Tube and Conduit, 6063 alloy <br /> aluminum, temper T- 1 , or approved equal . <br /> DRAWING SHEETS <br /> Amend TRAIN REPAIR SCHEDULE Table on Drawing Sheet M-2 as follows: <br /> The total quantity for line item No . 2 should read " 192". <br /> CADocuments and Settings\mikeh\L.ocal Settings\TempWDDENDUM NO. 1 . doc <br /> - 4 . <br />