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1 .05 CONTRACTOR' s USE OF PREMISES <br /> A. CONTRACTOR shall have use of the premises as indicated on the drawings for the <br /> performance of the Work, subject to ongoing work by other contractor ' s and the County. <br /> B . Coordinate use of premises with OWNER and ENGINEER . <br /> C . CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for security of all his and his <br /> subCONTRACTOR ' s materials and equipment stored on the site . <br /> D . If directed by the OWNER or ENGINEER, move any stored items which interfere with <br /> operations of OWNER or other contractor ' s . <br /> E . Obtain and pay for use of additional storage or work areas if needed to perform the Work. <br /> F. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining temporary sanitary facilities <br /> during construction and all associated costs. <br /> G . The CONTRACTOR will provide backflow preventor and a metered connection to the <br /> onsite fire hydrant for potable water. The OWNER will provide the first 3000 gallons of <br /> potable water per month to the CONTRACTOR without charge. Any additional potable <br /> water usage will be charged at a rate equal to IRC Utilities published commercial rates of <br /> 3 ,001 to 7 ,000 gallons per month; $2.42 per 1 ,000 gallons; 7,001 to 13 ,000 gallons per <br /> month: $ 3 . 85 per 1 ,000 gallons; or over 13 ,000 gallons per month: $7 .70 per 1 ,000 <br /> gallons . <br /> 1 .06 SITE ACCESS AND EXISTING FACILITIES <br /> A. Access to the site and equipment delivery is limited to daylight hours of 7 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 <br /> p .m. , Monday through Friday. Weekend access must be approved by OWNER. All work <br /> which interrupts normal system operation shall be scheduled with the OWNER prior to its <br /> construction. Scheduling shall include summary of procedures to be taken, date/time of <br /> work, and duration of activities. Due to operation issues, the OWNER reserves the right to <br /> modify the schedule and restrict time of day and/or date(s) of work (for both work herein <br /> listed and other work not listed but affecting operations) that impacts the system <br /> operations. <br /> B . The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain the current level or a greater level of <br /> perimeter site security and restricted public access at all times throughout construction of <br /> the project. At no time shall any portion of the site perimeter be provided without a secure <br /> and continuous fence at the end of each day. The cost to fiunish and install all required <br /> permanent and temporary fencing shall be at the sole expense of the CONTRACTOR, <br /> 1 .07 CONTRACTOR' s STAGING, STORAGE, AND STOCKPILE AREA <br /> A A staging, storage, and stockpile area has been designated on the site plan. The <br /> CONTRACTOR is not allowed to store any equipment outside these limits. <br /> B . The CONTRACTOR shall minim;ze the quantity of materials stared at the plant site <br /> throughout the construction period. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for properly <br /> 044572017 <br /> 01010-2 <br />