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Task 5. 0 - Environmental Permitting <br /> An ERP and Section 10 permit will be required for the river crossing . These permit <br /> applications will be submitted to the FDEP and ACOE for approval subaqaueous . <br /> Coordination of the applications will be performed separately but concurrently with each <br /> agency to expedite the approval process . <br /> 1 . A detailed description of the project purpose and need and the nature of activities will <br /> be prepared to demonstrate no impacts to wetlands . This narrative will discuss the <br /> purpose of the project, the reasoning behind the chosen particular route, and outline <br /> benefits of the project which are in the best interest of the public . <br /> 2 . A description of jurisdictional activities will be prepared, as needed for the permit <br /> application. These activities include construction in, on or over wetlands, Waters of <br /> the United States and other surface waters of the state as described in 62 -340, section <br /> 404 C . W. A. , section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and 62-301 F .A. C . <br /> 3 . Documentation for the use of State owned sovereign submerged lands will be <br /> prepared, if necessary. <br /> 4 . An alternative(s) analysis memo of the design considerations will be prepared. <br /> 5 . Detailed information on the construction/installation methodology for the crossing <br /> will be prepared. This description will include the type of equipment to be used, and <br /> the area of operation that will be required for the directional drilling operation. <br /> 6 . Consultant will document and prepare a disposal plan if the construction <br /> methodologies generate any type of special waste , including a description of the <br /> appropriate Best Management Practices (BMP ' s) proposed . <br /> 7 . Consultant will prepare permit drawings for the agency' s review. <br /> 8 . Consultant will provide agency coordination with the FDEP and ACOE to review <br /> outstanding items required by those agencies, and respond to two requests for further <br /> information (RFI ' s) . <br /> Task 6. 0 - Permitting and Agency Coordination <br /> 1 . Provide coordination of information with the SJRWMD and COE to review <br /> outstanding items required by those agencies . <br /> 2 . Respond to two (2) requests for additional information (RFI) , from each agency. <br /> 3 . Coordinate with the Division of State Lands and apply for a public easement for use <br /> of state lands, if required . <br /> 4 . Submit FDOT permit application, if required . <br /> 5 <br />