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S <br />12/29/98(ord\a1arm)0w <br />SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />This ordinance shall take effect">_� u n e 1 , 1999. <br />A certified copy of this ordinance, as enacted, shall be filed by the Clerk with <br />the Office of the Secretary of State of the state of Florida within ten days after <br />enactment, and this ordinance shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State. <br />Approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, on this 2 3day of M a r c h 31999. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Vero Beach Press Journal on the 12 day <br />of M a r c h 1999, for a public hearing to be held on the 2_ day of <br />March 1999, at which time it was moved for adoption by Commissioner <br />Adams , seconded by Commissioner T i p p i n , and adopted by the <br />following vote: <br />Chairman Kenneth R. Macht Aye <br />Vice Chairman Fran Adams Aye <br />Commissioner John W. Tippin Aye <br />Commissioner Caroline D. Ginn Aye <br />Commissioner Ruth M. Stanbridge Aye <br />The Chairman thereupon declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted this <br />2 3 day of March , 1999. <br />Attest: <br />w . � <br />jef�yton, C <br />_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />4p <br />14 <br />y <br />Kenneth R. Macht, Chairman <br />41119 <br />Effective date This ordinance was filed with the Department of State on <br />1 day of <br />1999; however, the ordinance shall not become effective until .3 u n e <br />1999. <br />